Monday, March 3, 2014

March Madness

Today started out like all others.  I rise before everyone else in my house and quietly make my way downstairs.  Pop my Turbofire DVD into the Playstation and get myself ready to start the day.  I have not held myself accountable for over 6 months now and it shows.  I have returned back to the same shape I was in at this time last year.  Lost all of my lean muscle and gained 15lbs. 

 I ask myself everyday why I let this happen, and the reason: I stopped holding myself accountable to my diet and exercise programs.  So here it is the beginning of March and here we go again, bikini season is fast approaching and I'm currently dreading every moment of having to slip into mine.  I tell myself I don't care what others think as long as I feel good in my own skin, but apparently I do care because I'm up before dawn busting my ass!!  I'm determined to get back to where I was in May of last year when I ran my first half-marathon in just over 2hrs.  I could run and jump with ease and grace and now I just look like an overweight monkey trying to perform circus tricks they weren't trained for. 

Overweight circus monkey
 One day at a time though, right?!? So I've chosen March to begin my trek toward the ultimate bikini bod.  I have muscles to build and weight to lose and I'm setting myself up for success each week.  Grocery shopping and preparing meals for the week so I don't have to stress about it when I get home.  

(actual fridge pictures to follow)

Anyway, this long winded tale of my trials and tribulations and my ups and downs with fitness takes me to my new plans for 2014.  I will run another half-marathon in June, I'm looking at the heartbreak hill 1/2, but still need to decide and sign up! 

 I HAVE signed up for my first 5k of the year for March 16th, can anyone say green beer!!  Join me in Burlington for a refreshing 3 mile run and a beer :)

I also signed up for my first 5miler, Doyle's in J.P.  A lot of my fellow co-workers run this race every year and I'm really looking forward to it.  Also, beer!! Lol, i'm seeing a pattern here!
So you may be asking yourself, what is she doing to change her body, first I'm starting with my mind.  I know that sounds very cheesy, but half of my battle with my weight is in my head.  I need to get the Negative Nancy out of there, the one that says that's too hard, that's too far, or I'm tired and I don't feel like it.  

I can attest to that!!!

These excuses do not provide me results and therefore they are furthermore going to be abolished from my way of thinking.  I've always struggled with my weight all my life, but I'm going to stop struggling and start controlling the situation with a positive attitude, some hard work, and some successful goal setting!  

So I ask you, my fellow fitness fanatics, runners, and the like...What are your plans for March Madness??  How will you celebrate the coming of spring and the impending bikini season.  Will you spend it in self-loathing, or will you raise up against the negativity set some positive goals and go for it this year?!?!?