Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What are you training for?

Last night I arrived home with a mission:  Make sure I get out for a run! 
I did 3 miles in 26 minutes which I believe is a PR for me!
The Twin Lights Half in Gloucester is less than 2 weeks away...eek
I'm actually feeling very prepared, but I'm making sure I get all my runs in over the next 2 weeks

Then I arrived back home and did a quick core workout.  I absolutely love Turbofire's 20 minute core workout!!  Hurts so good :)

Keeping with my training I woke up early and decided to take the dogs for a run with me (immediate extra 2 minutes/mile) but at least I went out and we did it!

I wore my new waterbelt so the doggies and I could have a quick drink on our long run (for them mostly) 
I was also listening to the #hillmanmorningshow while I was running because who doesn't like a good laugh while they're out for 5 miles

I did a 30 minute Turbofire Strength training workout with resistance bands and I'm refueling with result and recovery formula and my daily vitamins

What are you training for? 
Do you incorporate strength and core work with your cardio?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Importance of Preparation

Quick Weekend Rewind

The dogs and I went for a walk on Sunday afternoon because it was absolutely beautiful! Despite the fact that I had a slight hangover from an amazing pub crawl/party bus fiesta with the ladies the night before!

Then I went home and got to business on planning my food for the week

 I made this delicious fruit salad..yum ( I put the pineapple in a separate container to keep it fresh)  For all the dog lovers out there my dogs love canteloupe so I always keep plenty in the house.  Do your dogs like fruit?!  I hope my kids are this easy some day :)

This is my lunch for the week, it's a Quinoa Salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, scallions, and parsley with a spicy lime dressing :)  It needs a change, which i'm thinking cilantro instead of parsley personally

This takes me to the point of today's post.  I spend a couple of hours every Sunday afternoon getting myself prepared for the week ahead.  I organize my food and my workout schedule so that I can make it seamlessly  through my week!

Do you prepare for your week?  
What kinds of things do you do to make your week go a little more smoothly?

Friday, April 19, 2013

Get your Sweat on!!

My fat had a really good cry this morning.  I got a fantastic 55 minute Turbofire workout in!

This is an intense cardio kickboxing class, my abs are feeling so strong!  Chalene works my entire body in less than an hour!
If you want more details about Turbo, feel free to leave a comment or check out

I'm waiting for the ok to leave my house again, but I'm hoping to get a 3-4 mile run in today with my pups

I'm trying to remember this fact, so I don't become a couch potato today!

I have plans to do an 11 mile run tomorrow with my friend Kate

I'm hoping that will counteract all the calories I'm going to imbibe tomorrow night when I'm partying down with my ladies on a party bus through Boston!

What are your plans for the weekend?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Workout Wednesday: Resistance Bands

Good Morning Everyone :)
Today was a beautiful morning, so the dogs and I took a jog down by the pond.

Sunrise was gorgeous and we did about 2.5 miles.  Then it was home for breakfast and some resistance training

Shiloh would've preferred if I played some ball with her, but I want to share with you a couple of resistance band exercises that will work your whole body

Bicep Curl with a Squat

The band is under your feet, the wider your feet the tougher it will be.  So if you're just starting out bring your feet in closer together, veterans spread them out.  As you squat, do a bicep curl.  Keep your elbows out in front of you to make it tougher = BEACH MUSCLES
2 sets of 12-15 reps

Deltoid Lift with a Glute Lift

To ensure you have good form make sure your elbow lines up with your wrist and there is a slight bend in your elbow.  Draw in your abs and lift your arm and your opposite leg at the same time.  
This will work on your balance, tighten your booty = BEAUTIFUL SHOULDERS AND BUTT

Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps

Tricep Extension with a Squat

Keep your elbow out in front of your face, but keep it tight to your head.
While doing the tricep extension take your opposite leg back into a squat.  Focus all of your weight on your front heel. 
 This will help to target the glutes and hamstrings = BEAUTIFUL BUTT and ARMS

Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps

Bowler's Lunge with a Shoulder Press

Take your leg back like your going to roll a bowling ball.
Keep all of your weight in the front heel (again glutes and hamstrings)
As you squat down raise up your arm and do a shoulder press.
Every muscle group you can name

Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps

Just doing these four resistance band exercises will help to improve your all over muscle tone, AND the more muscle you put in your body the MORE calories you will burn doing your cardio!

Happy Wednesday Everyone:

What is your favorite resistance band exercise?

"Always have a vivid imagination, for you never know when you might need it." - J.K Rowling

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Runner's Unite

In light of the tragic events of yesterday today I'm wearing a race T-shirt.  Show your support for the Boston Marathon Runners today and wear yours!

Weekend Recap

Saturday I did some strength and core training because I want my abs to look like this:

We're a little ways off, but you have to set a goal right!

Sunday, I did the longest run I've ever done 10 Miles.  Kate and I had a great run (except my cramp) I worked it off though.  When we got back this was what her wonderful boyfriend left for us

SO sweet of him and exactly what we needed after our long run, because we were absolutely starving.  He also made smoothies :)

Monday was a crazy day.  And even though a tragedy happened I did enjoy so much of the day.

 I went to get a mani/pedi

Trying to get in the summer spirit early.  And it was my moms favorite color on me :)
<3 you mom

I also bought a few new bath products, which smell fantastic

Have a great Tuesday everyone despite recent events, let's keep our heads up and work through this

Monday, April 15, 2013

United We Stand: A prayer for Boston

So today I was going to write about all the things I did this weekend, among them some HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and strength training, a 10-mile run, and a nature walk.  I was going to talk to you all about the importance of HIIT and strength training in your exercise regimen, but at 2:50 today someone bombed my home, and in that moment took away the piece of mind of the people of Boston.  I am terribly saddened for all those runners who over the last few months poured their hearts and souls into training for this marathon, making sacrifices and spending long days running the unforgiving roads.  To those people I am truly sorry that your goals could not be reached today.  

So tonight I will say only this, We will all persevere, We will help our fellow brothers and sisters get through this and We will emerge as the United States always does after a terrible tragedy; strong, spirited, and resilient.   

Please say a prayer for all those effected by today's events


Friday, April 12, 2013

4 Foam Roller Positions for Runners

Had a Fantastic night of volleyball last night...we all played super awesome together 
( I blocked a dude!  Straight down!)

It's Friday so I thought before the weekend I would remind everyone of the importance of stretching and the benefit of the foam roller.  I've compiled 4 of my favorite Foam rolling positions for runners (or anyone)

#1- Hips

Lay on your side on the foam roller.  Move horizontally from your hip all the way to the top of your knee.  It will hurt a bit the first few times- THAT MEANS ITS WORKING!
This is to massage out your IT Band which runs from your hip to your knee, and a muscle that usually is very tight on runners from overuse

#2- Hamstring

Place the foam roller under your legs on your hamstrings.  Roll from the bottom of your glutes to the just above the knees.  The hamstrings are essential to your running so take good care of them and keep them loose.

#3- Quads

Flip over and roll from just below your pelvic bone all the way to just above your knees.  Strong quads are important for running as well as all other exercise, but they tend to get extremely tight and can cause knee pain and injury if not properly stretched.  

#4-  Back

I like to run the foam roller over my back regularly.  I run the roller from my neck all the way down through my lower back.  It just feels so great, so if your between massages hit your foam roller for some back pain relief.

What other exercises or stretches do you do to stay fresh and feel great?  Do you exercise on the weekends?

"Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are.  When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you." - Lao-Tzu

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thirsty Thursday

Hello Everyone, this is my very first blog post and I've decided to take on the topic of water consumption.  Many people don't get enough water everyday.  The recommended daily amount are for Men 3 liters, and women 2.2 liters (  Which is a little bit more than the 8-8oz glasses.  Water is so important because it flushes the toxins out of your body,carries nutrients to the cells, and more importantly it keeps your skin looking fresh.  Which is sooo important :)  Exercise also helps keep you looking young and fresh (but that's another blog post)

SO...basically you need to be drinking a glass of water every hour and more if your living an active healthy lifestyle!  

I'm running my first 1/2 marathon on May 5th in Gloucester, MA and I can't wait, but I need to make sure I'm staying hydrated so I can make it to the end.  Also important for the 1/2 is nutrition so I've been doing some research on different types of energy supplements to get me to the end.  So I ordered the GU Performance Sampler Pack and received it in the mail last night:

Can't wait to try this out on my long run on Sunday with +Kate Picariello and I'll give it a review on my Monday blog

Have a Happy Thursday Everyone!  And remember, "Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy!" ~ Cynthia Nelms (writer)