Friday, April 12, 2013

4 Foam Roller Positions for Runners

Had a Fantastic night of volleyball last night...we all played super awesome together 
( I blocked a dude!  Straight down!)

It's Friday so I thought before the weekend I would remind everyone of the importance of stretching and the benefit of the foam roller.  I've compiled 4 of my favorite Foam rolling positions for runners (or anyone)

#1- Hips

Lay on your side on the foam roller.  Move horizontally from your hip all the way to the top of your knee.  It will hurt a bit the first few times- THAT MEANS ITS WORKING!
This is to massage out your IT Band which runs from your hip to your knee, and a muscle that usually is very tight on runners from overuse

#2- Hamstring

Place the foam roller under your legs on your hamstrings.  Roll from the bottom of your glutes to the just above the knees.  The hamstrings are essential to your running so take good care of them and keep them loose.

#3- Quads

Flip over and roll from just below your pelvic bone all the way to just above your knees.  Strong quads are important for running as well as all other exercise, but they tend to get extremely tight and can cause knee pain and injury if not properly stretched.  

#4-  Back

I like to run the foam roller over my back regularly.  I run the roller from my neck all the way down through my lower back.  It just feels so great, so if your between massages hit your foam roller for some back pain relief.

What other exercises or stretches do you do to stay fresh and feel great?  Do you exercise on the weekends?

"Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are.  When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you." - Lao-Tzu


  1. I'll definitely start doing these!! I just bought foam roller last week! Can't wait to use it :)

    -Courtney C

    1. You'll notice a huge difference in how you feel day to day if you do just these. There are so many more, I forgot to include calves!
