Monday, August 12, 2013

Falmouth Road Race 2013 and more

Mike and I spent Saturday Morning handing out race numbers to all those that could make it to the expo and those who sent others because they were stuck in a 6 mile back up at the bridge!!!  Ewww...  so glad we trekked down late on Friday night :)

Saturday flew by I caught up with friends that I haven't seen in a while, Love ya Julia, and then got a good nights rest before race day!

 I'm always a little bit of a spaz on race day, also no matter what I do i'm nervous!  So I woke up late (yup that's right) and arrived at the bus area with everyone else (and their mother)

Everything went really smoothly though and I had plenty of time to prepare myself prior to the race...  This is just an example of how packed the corrals were!

I managed to set a Personal Record for myself yesterday!  My average 7 mile time was 1:10 approximately.

Not too shabby considering the heat and terrain of this race ( a lot of hills and one BIG hill at the end)

SO I believe I earned my self a little recovery time... we all went to the beach for the afternoon and spent time relaxing and hanging out with the dogs! (shiloh's not pictured because she won't sit still long enough for me to take a picture!)

All and All it was a wonderful Falmouth Road Race weekend!  I saw a few old friends, enjoyed a couple good nights with some close friends.  I appreciate all the love and support from everyone, and I'm going to keep running down all of my dreams and hopefully you'll stay tuned to see what's next.

Goal Recap:

1. I ran at least 3x last week (including the road race)  My goal is 3-4 this week as well.
2.  I made it to 1 bodypump class last week (fail!) but I'm going to do two this week.  I have 1 scheduled for tonight and Thursdays are becoming my other bodypump night.
3.  I didn't make it to a spinning class.  My schedule got out of control last week but i'm going to put it on this weeks goal list.
4.  Eat leaner and healthier and not snack late night!

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