Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tip Tuesdays- Hold yourself Accountable

If I have learned nothing during my long journey to health and fitness it's this:

Find a way to hold yourself accountable!

1. Set a goal

 This was one of the first places I slipped up.  I had set a goal to run a half marathon, and I did! BUT, then I had reached my goal, and didn't set another one.  Hence, the falling off the bandwagon.  
So everyone, set a goal, attain a goal, and then REPEAT!
This is one of the first lessons I learned while doing Weight Watchers years ago.  Don't set a goal to drop 50 lbs.  Do it in 5-10lb increments.

My current goal is to PR my next half-marathon in October which I am very excited about! I'm running the B.A.A. half marathon in Jamaica Plain
 I would like to run a sub-2hr half, guess I better get down to training!

 This was this morning's 3.o mile run- not to shabby!  Not sure I could keep that pace for another 10 miles, but I'm looking for an average around 9 min/mile. #NBFalmouth2013

2. Get an accountability buddy

This can be a tangible person that you can rely on to go for a run with or hit the gym with. By having this person take the journey with you, it will make it more likely that you will succeed in achieving your goals.
This can also be a virtual buddy.  There a ton of websites these days designed to help you meet people who are interested in doing the same activities and achieving the same goals as yourself.  Examples are Sparkpeople, Team Beachbody, Fitocracy, and myfitnesspal.  Just to name a few.  Get on and get chatting and working out of course.
Also, since I've already mentioned my experience with Weight Watchers I will put it here as well.  Weight Watchers is designed to hold you accountable.  Weekly meetings are there to keep you on track and help you to move forward in reaching your weight loss and fitness goals.  Everyone is there for the same reason and it can be a really great support system if your just starting out.

3. Start a blog

This is the new path that I have decided to take to help hold myself accountable to the goals that I set.  I will put it out there for all to see.

By making your goals public and talking about them in a forum such as a blog you are making yourself accountable.  

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