Monday, August 5, 2013

Goal: Falmouth Road Race 2013

We are less than a week away from the 2013 Falmouth Road Race.  This race is super special to me, it's my hometown race and I will be running it for the very first time!  
Can anyone say super-anxious!!!!

This is just one example of the beautiful vistas I will encounter on my 7-mile trek from Woods Hole to Falmouth Heights and I can't wait to take it all in :)

On another note:  Some of you may have wondered where I ran off to... I stopped, I stopped running, I stopped lifting (Beer doesn't count) and I stopped caring!  Guess what, I gained a few pounds back, fell out of the best shape of my life and spiraled out of control and I'm not happy with myself.  

So today, I declare a restart.  I'm going to start fresh with the motivation to get it done, everyday until it becomes HABIT again!

Goals for the week:
1.  Get in a run at least 3 days this week leading up to the race, 3-4 miles a day
2.  Get to Bodypump at least 2x this week
3. Attend my first spinning class in over 2 years

What are your goals for this week?

Words I am going to live by~ 

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