Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekend Rewind

What a weekend!  Everything flew by soo fast, and we bounced all over Mass, but now it's time to get down to another work week.

Friday- First thing in the am (after taking the doggies for their walk)  I got in my 6 miles.
A little slower than usual, but still DONE :)

Then it was off to CountryFest with Mike-  I've wanted to go for years and we had a blast!

Would've been a great picture without the crazy eyes!  We had awesome seats except for they were on the side of the stage and you couldn't see the screens behind them-
So we walked around a bit to watch from different angles!

Saturday- Brynne's 2nd Bday

 It was all about Elmo- and I need to get better at taking pictures because I have none from the evening with the fam!

Sunday- Devens

We headed out to our wedding venue to meet with our event coordinator.  We got a few things figured out and my Dad and Maid of Honor got to see the space.

Though it was an ultimately exhausting weekend and all I wanted to do was go home and lay on the couch with Mike- I stayed on track and got my training run done

I'm struggling with getting all of my goals accomplished every week, but i'm finding that setting them helps so here's this weeks goal recap:
1. I did 3/4 runs for the week, only missing the Thursday 4 miler.
2. I didn't make Bodypump classes, but I'm planning to attend tonight
3. I've been eating greener in general, I'm getting excited about my weight loss again which helps to keep on track!

Goals for this week:
1. Do all of my training runs!
2. Go to at least 2 bodypump classes
3. Incorporate 2 HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) classes into my weekly rountine
4.  DO MORE CORE!  A strong core = better, faster, stronger running

This week is NO EXCUSES for me.  My body hurts and I'm tired, but I just need to push through this week and it WILL get easier!

What are your plans for the Holiday weekend?

Mike and I are headed to the Cape for a friends wedding and some relaxation, can't wait!

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