Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Supplements- are they worth it?

There is a lot of scrutiny surrounding supplements; are they effective, safe, etc.
Though I do not have the answers for you I can give you my opinion.

I started taking VitaMax a little over a week ago.  I haven't had any adverse side effects as a matter of fact it has given me energy.  Along with that energy is also a decreased appetite ( I am still eating!)  Just LESS.  

I've only been taking these for a few days.  I have not recognized any odd behaviors, no sleeplessness, and I wake in the morning refreshed.  I'm going to wait until Sunday to weigh myself and I will report to you, my blog buddies, the results.  I have been maintaining a weight around 159 for several weeks! Can't wait to see if that goes down.

I am not expecting miracles, but I hope combined with my workouts I will see some results.  
Today, was a 6-mile day, I took my lunch and went for a run around Jamaica Plain and Brookline!  It's really muggy but I'm at my desk re-hydrating as I type :)

What is your opinion on Supplements? Would you take them?

I'm happy to be your lab rat :)  

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