Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hump Day

Happy Hump Day Everyone!

Just have a few quick words for everyone this morning.  Checking in with my goals for the week.

I missed my 6-miler yesterday, work got in the way!  I made up for it this morning though!
I have to attend BodyPump on both Thursday and Saturday to get both of those in this week.  So I'll keep you updated!
As for eating more veggies, I'm working on it, I put Lettuce, tomato and pickles on my sandwich every day :)  Does that count?

Not quite 6 miles, but I squeezed in what I could.
This week has been super busy so far and I don't see it slowing anytime soon so I'll take what I can get

Also this week I am starting a new Dietary Supplement called VitaMax.  I am looking to lose a few pounds so this was touted by Women's health as a miracle.  Let me be your lab rat and see how miraculous it actually is!
Stayed Tuned, my approximate starting weight (Sunday) Was 159 lbs.  I'll update you on Sunday :)
I'm waiting for the Second Supplement to come that I'm supposed to take in conjunction with it, awaiting its arrival!

What are you up to on Hump Day? 

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